15 Key Learnings For The Journey
In Part One of this presentation, I showed you all the different options and models available to you. Now you know what your options are, which is a much better place then I was in when I first got started, I’ve got fifteen additional points I would encourage you to consider. Think of these next points as an onion, layers upon layers of learnings for your consideration and action.
My Key Learnings:
- Think Market not Product
- Always be Building the List
- Acquire Customers at Speed
- Create Valuable ‘Helpful’ Media
- Build a ‘Brand’ – not just ‘Build a Site That Ranks for Stuff We Can Sell’
- Have to Hustle
- Price Point Matters
- Have a Value Ladder
- Focus on 3 Machines
- Be Resilient
- Have Multiple Touches
- Have ‘Strategy’ not ‘Tactics’
- Build ‘Coolness’ Factor
- Profit Wedge
- Energy Units
Take some time to watch part two of this presentation where I dive deep into these 15 key learning I’ve experienced throughout the journey. I wish someone would have shared these with me when I was starting out. I’m glad I’m able to share them with you now though. Don’t re-invent the wheel. Educate yourself on common mistakes so you can avoid them. And lastly, have fun on the journey!