Jun 8, 2018 | Business Growth, Facebook, Google, Marketing Funnel, Traffic, Website Design, YouTube
Blanket Marketing Vs Big Fish In Small Pond When it comes to online advertising, especially for services based businesses and traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ businesses , we can do blanket marketing and put our marketing message out across the whole state or we...
May 25, 2018 | Website Design
In the past, when I’ve taught website design optimization, I focused on desktop first. Now, with the vast majority of website traffic coming from mobile we really do need to be thinking about mobile first. Plus, Google now has two indexes. They’ve got a...
May 10, 2018 | Business Growth, Strategy
Two Main Frameworks for Business Growth Growing businesses is interesting and really there are two main frameworks and I think most people are stuck in one without necessarily thinking about the other. So most people are doing what I call incremental growth. This is...
Apr 19, 2018 | Business Growth
As Business Owners How Do We Define Success? Often people will think about it being money right? Maybe $1 million, maybe $5 million, maybe $10 million that kind of thing. Well we recently asked this at our High Level Collective Mastermind and and it was interesting to...